Admin please bring this post to light. I have an albino girlfriend, we have been dating for a while now but the fact remains that the stigmatization is too much. People discriminate against her so much.
Every time I'm walking with her people looks at us as if we came from another planets. All my close relations and friends I told about her discouraged me from getting married to her. Everybody is against me, they told me how can I introduce albinism to my lineage.
I understand that she has a very poor visual acuity, she is prone to skin cancer, she will depend on me to get some certain task done especially under sun.
She is a very good girl, what I'm looking at is what is inside her I mean her personality even though she is obese, she gives me peace of mind.
Finally she is also a petrochemical engineer, and very brilliant person though her albinism has been disadvantageous to her from getting a better job. I just proposed to her against all odds even though I'm all alone.
Should I go on to marry her? Please I need advice from people with mature minds
(Post Culled From Nairaland Online Forum).